

Marked urinary and female symptoms.

Head.--Very impatient, cross, and irritable. Frontal headache, with enlarged feeling of eyes. Face wrinkled and old-looking.

Mouth.--Metallic taste. Sensation of a thread in throat. Thirsty, especially during headache.

Stomach.--Breath and taste foul. Intense nausea, with vomiting, purging, and faintness. Stool very offensive. Abdomen bloated.

Urine.--Scanty with frequent urging, with pressure on bladder and burning in urethra. Flow stops suddenly followed by pain. Urine foul. Cannot retain urine; must attend to the call without delay. Irritable bladder before menses.

Female.--Menses delayed. Increased flow of saliva during. Intense burning in vagina. Leucorrhœa, profuse, foul, staining a greenish yellow; stains of menses and leucorrhœa very hard to wash out. Backache (Oxal ac).

Back.--Aches, weak; drawing of muscles below scapulæ.

Fever.--Feels a glow all over, like being over steam; chilly, while sitting beside the fire.

Skin.--Prickly itching. Sore spots all over. Skin emits foul odor.

Modalities.--Better, sitting or lying down. Worse, left side, moving about.

Dose.--The higher potencies.

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