Mind.--Unable to fix mind. Memory treacherous. Stupor. Wants to run away and hide. Delusions; thinks every one is looking at her, fears to talk loud, and wants to run away, etc.
Head.--Headache with retching, vomiting, sense of pressure over orbits, pallor, cold hands and feet, black spots before eyes. Heavy, oppressed; frontal, throbbing, undulating sensation in brain. Sick headache; relieved by epistaxis or menstrual flow. Fullness all over head. Eyes heavy; blurred sight; wants to close them tightly for relief. Neuralgia around and over right side of head and neck. Scalp sore and tender to touch.
Nose.--Stopped up, dry, must breathe through mouth; dry, hard clinkers in nose; profuse epistaxis.
Face.--Intensely red and flushed, with throbbing carotids (Bell).
Stool.--Difficult, painful, constipated. Anus feels constricted, full, throbs. No desire until there is a large accumulation (Bry; Alum).
Female.--Menses scanty, intermit, with nausea and bearing down sticking pain in external parts. Dysmenorrhœa. Ovarian neuralgia.
Respiratory.--Feels as if smothering, especially from rapid walking. Hæmoptysis. Weight on chest. Tickling in throat with cough.
Extremities.--Pain in knee; wants to stretch leg, but does not relieve. Joints sore. Skin and extremities cold. Numbness and aching in knee-joints.
Modalities.--Worse, rainy, changeable weather, approach of storm, motion; 4 pm.
Relationship.--Compare: Melilotus alba--(White Clover)--practically the same action (Hæmorrhages, congestive headaches, engorged blood vessels, spasms). Amyl; Bell; Glon.
Dose.--Tincture, for inhaling; lower potencies.
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