Ears.--Otitis media; closure of Eustachian tube; ear troubles of scrofulous children; membrana tympani retracted, thickened and immovable.
Mouth.--Offensive breath; salivation; sore gums. Ulcers. Tongue black. Constant flow of dark, putrid saliva; very offensive. Ulceration of throat, with dysphagia. Granular pharyngitis.
Stomach.--Nausea and vomiting. Cyclic vomiting of infants (Cup ars; Iris).
Stool.--Scanty, bloody mucus, with bile, and constant desire, without tenesmus. Dark-green, watery, with griping. Anus sore and burning. Dysentery; small stools of mucus and blood, covered with bile.
Skin.--Flabby and ill nourished. Swollen glands. Phagedenic ulcers. Copper-colored eruptions.
Relationship.--Compare: Kali mur.
Dose.--Third to sixth trituration. For palliative (non-homeopathic) purposes, to secure evacuation of bowels, two or three-grain doses of first decimal trituration, repeated several times every hour.
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