Throat.--Fauces dark red; swallowing painful. Phlegm in nose and throat. Disposition to hawk, with sensation of a lump in throat. Stiffness of muscles of throat and neck.
Nose.--Coryza and dull hearing; right side of nose hot. Hawks mucus from posterior nares. Turbinated bones swollen. Boggy mucus membrane of nose and throat; closure of Eustachian tube, opening with a pop.
Mouth.--Gums swollen; toothache; glands swollen. Scalded feeling on tongue. Aphthæ. Profuse saliva. Tongue feels stiff at base, and pains on moving.
Throat.--Diphtheria; submaxillary glands painfully engorged, fauces dark red; worse on left tonsil. Parenchymatous tonsillitis. Will often abort peritonsillitis if given frequently. Cough form elongated uvula, with sore throat, Laryngeal troubles with aphonia.
Skin.--Small fissures and cracks; hard papules; Hunterian chancre; syphilitic ulcers. Bubo. Sarcocele.
Dose.--Third trituration. Mercuric iodide is far more active as a bactericide than the other mercurials, including the chloride.
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