Head.--Hard work to talk. Headache; worse from talking. Stupefying headache in right side. Affections of external head; scaly eruption, white scabs. Head covered with thick, leathery crusts, under which pus collects, Violent neuralgia about face and teeth, running towards ear, at night; worse, eating; better near hot stove. Roots of teeth decay. Teeth feel elongated.
Nose.--Sneezing, coryza, interior of nose, excoriated. Post-nasal adenoids.
Ears.--Feel too much open, as if tympanum was exposed to the cold air and it blew into the ear. Desire to bore fingers in.
Eyes.--Ciliary neuralgia after operations. Especially after removal of eyeball. Pains radiate and shoot downward, with cold feeling and stiffness of bone.
Face.--Red. Eruption around mouth, with coryza.
Stomach.--Desire for ham-fat. Burning in tongue, extending to stomach. Mouth waters. Nausea felt in throat; better, eating. Chronic gastritis; burning, corroding pain; nausea, vomiting, chocolate color. Gastric ulcer with much burning.
Abdomen.--Swelling of glands with large abdomen in children. Pressure in inguinal ring. Flatulent colic, with shivering and difficult respiration.
Rectum.--Constipation after confinement. Prolapse of rectum. Diarrhœa, with small, white particles. Green discharges. Constipation, with hepatic and uterine inertia. Constriction of anus; stitches and prolapse of rectum.
Urine.--Red flakes float on top of urine. Hot, bloody Biting, burning in forepart of urethra at the close of micturition. Hæmaturia preceded by cramp pain in the bladder, After urinating, a few drops of blood are passed.
Female.--Menses too frequent, soon, profuse. Leucorrhœa like albumen; very corroding.
Male.--Enlargement of testicles. Violent sexual desire. Gonorrhœa, with hæmaturia.
Respiratory.--Soreness and burning in bones of thorax. Constriction across chest. Cough; worse; eating, irritation lower than can be reached, on taking a warm drink.
Extremities.--Pain in neck and back; worse, motion and at night; intolerant of all touch. Pain and burning in tibia and long bones. Legs and feet go to sleep. Pain in hip and knee.
Skin.--Eczema; intolerable itching; chilliness with pruritus; worse in bed. Ulcers itch and burn, surrounded by vesicles and shining, fiery-red areola. Zona, with burning pain. Bones, especially long bones, inflamed and swollen; caries, exostosis; pain worse night, touch, damp weather (Merc; Syph). Eruptions ulcerate and form thick scabs under purulent matter exudes (Chrysophanic acid).
Modalities.--Worse, cold air; night, evening until midnight, warm food, touch, motion. Better, open air.
Relationship.--Compare: Dirca palustris-Leather wood--(a gastro-intestinal irritant inducing salivation, emesis and purgation; cerebral hyperæmia; neuralgic pains, with depression, palpitation, and dyspnœa); Merc; Phyt; Rhus; Guaiac; Syph.
Antidotes: Kali hyd; Merc.
Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.
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