Although not proven, this remedy has a wide clinical use, through its introduction by Schuessler. It certainly is of great value in catarrhal affections, in sub-acute inflammatory states, fibrinous exudations, and glandular swellings. White or gray coating of base of tongue, and expectoration of thick, white phlegm, seem to be special guiding symptoms. Bursitis pr�patellaris.
Head.--Imagines he must starve. Headache, with vomiting. Crusta lactea. Dandruff.
Eyes.--White mucus, purulent scabs. Superficial ulcer. Trachoma. Corneal opacities.
Ears.--Chronic, catarrhal conditions of the middle ear. Glands about the ear swollen. Snapping and noises in the ear. Threatened mastoid. Great effusion about the auricle.
Nose.--Catarrh; phlegm white, thick. Vault of pharynx covered with adherent crusts. Stuffy cold. Nosebleed (Arn; Bry).
Face.--Cheek swollen and painful.
Mouth.--Aphth�; thrush; white ulcers in mouth. Swollen glands about jaw and neck. Coating of tongue grayish-white, dryish, or slimy.
Throat.--Follicular tonsillitis. Tonsils inflamed; enlarged so much, can hardly breathe. Grayish patches or spots in the throat and tonsils. Adherent crusts in vault of pharynx. "Hospital" sore throat. Eustachian catarrh.
Stomach.--Fatty or rich food causes indigestion. Vomiting of white, opaque mucus; water gathers in the mouth. Pain in the stomach, with constipation. Bulimia; hunger disappears by drinking water.
Abdomen.--Abdominal tenderness and swelling. Flatulence. Thread-worms, causing itching at the anus.
Stool.--Constipation; light-colored stools. Diarrh�a, after fatty food; clay-colored, white, or slimy stools. Dysentery; purging, with slimy stools. H�morrhoids; bleeding; blood dark and thick; fibrinous, clotted.
Female.--Menstruation too late or suppressed, checked or too early; excessive discharge; dark-clotted, or tough, black blood, like tar (Plat). Leucorrh�a; discharge of milky-white mucus, thick, non-irritating, bland. Morning sickness, with vomiting of white phlegm. Bunches in breast feel quite soft and are tender.
Respiratory Organs.--Loss of voice; hoarseness. Asthma, with gastric derangements; mucus white and hard to cough up. Loud, noisy stomach cough; cough short, acute, and spasmodic, like whooping-cough; expectoration thick and white. Rattling sounds of air passing through thick, tenacious mucus in the bronchi; difficult to cough up.
Back and Extremities.--Rheumatic fever; exudation and swelling around the joints. Rheumatic pains felt only during motion, or increased by it. Nightly rheumatic pains; worse from warmth of bed; lightning-like from small of back to feet; must get out of bed and sit up. Hands get stiff while writing.
Skin.--Acne, erythema, and eczema, with vesicles containing thick, white contents. Dry, flour-like scales on the skin (Arsenic). Bursitis.
Modalities.--Worse, rich food, fats, motion.
Relationship.--Compare: Bellad which Kali mur follows well in catarrhal and hypertrophic conditions. Kino (otorrh�a, with stitches in right ear); Bry; Mercur; Puls; Sulph.
Dose.--Third to twelfth potency.
External use in skin affections with burning sensation.
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