
Preparation & Dose of Biochemic Remedies

The Tissue Remedies are prepared for therapeutic purposes, like all homeopathic remedies, according to the decimal or centesimal scale in trituration or dilution. The crude, chemically pure article is taken and triturated with sugar of milk, one part of the drug to nine parts of sugar of milk, for at least two hours. This gives the first decimal trituration, each grain containing one-tenth of a grain of the cell salt triturated.

One part of this first decimal trituration is then used, and other nine parts of sugar of milk added and again triturated two hours, which gives the second decimal trituration, and is equivalent to the first centesimal trituration, each grain containing one-hundredth of the triturated cell salt. But experience has shown, as may be seen, too, from the illustrations above that even this minute subdivision is too gross for many purposes in the animal economy, and so this triturating and subdividing process has been kept up to the sixth, twelfth and even higher preparations.


At first Schussler began with the sixth centesimal or twelfth decimal trituration; but he, very early in his practice, adopted the sixth decimal preparation as the one most generally useful. Lately the lower triturations of Potassium and Sodium salts, the third decimal, of others the fourth and fifth, have been productive of equally good results. In the last edition of his “Abgekiurzte Therapie” he says on this point: “In my practice I employ the sixth decimal trituration generally. Ferrum phos., Silicea and Calcarea fluor., I usually give in the 12th trituration. In acute diseases, a dose consisting of a powder, size of a pea, should be given every hour or two; in chronic diseases 3 or 4 times daily. The powder may be given dry on the tongue, or dissolved in a spoonful of water.”

We, ourselves, have had the most satisfactory results from the sixth decimal trituration, rarely going higher, at times lower, and generally we prefer to give the selected remedy in solution by dissolving a good-sized powder in a tumbler, half full of water, and administering teaspoonful doses every hour or two.

These triturations may be moulded into tablets usually of one grain each; the dose being two or three taken dry on tongue or dissolved in water.

If liquid solutions are used, a few drops may be dissolved in water, or pellets or disks may be saturated and given in that way. The latter is especially to be recommended with children.


In acute cases, a dose every hour or two; in severe, painful affections, a dose every ten to fifteen minutes; in chronic affections, one to four doses daily. I

In suitable cases the external use of the remedies is indicated and has been found useful. For this purpose the lower triturations may be used.

In determining the dose of a biochemic remedy, the amount of the morbid product involved is no important factor. For instance, a very small deficiency of Natrum mur. in the cells of the epithelial layer of a serous sac may give rise to a massive serous exudation; and as minute a supply of Natrum mur. corresponding to the deficiency may bring about a complete resorption of the exudation.

Guided by the relative quantities of the cell salts, each practitioner can select the proper dose of the indicated biochemic remedy.

One milligramme (1-100 grain = to the 2d decimal trituration) of a substance is estimated to contain 16 trillions of molecules. According to this estimate, the 6th decimal trituration of it would contain about 16 billions; this quantity is more than sufficient to restore disturbed molecular motions to the normal.

It may be urged as an objection that the molecules of a given salt administered as a medicine would unite with their like contained in the blood, and thus render illusory any curative attempt. But this combination cannot take place simply because the carbonic acid present in the blood forms an isolating medium of the salts.

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