Mind.--Profound depression. Irritable, fault-finding, hysterical. Shock induced by terror. Dream-like state.
Head.--Vertigo from the least movement of the head. Headache with sensation of being "wound-up". Bursting pain; head drawn back.
Eyes.--Bluish, drooping lids. Itching of eyes. Delusion of vision on closing eyes. Starting, injected; diverging strabismus. Pupils unequally contracted. Look unsteady. Ptosis. Paresis of recti interni.
Ears.--Left ear throbs painfully; better, heat. Seems to hear circulation all over body.
Face.--Dusky red or pallid lividity of face, lips, tongue, mouth or throat.
Nose.--Sneezing in paroxysms. Itching and tingling on end of nose.
Mouth.--Very dry. Tongue dry, brown violet in middle. Thirst. Loss of appetite, with aversion to meat.
Throat.--Dry and constricted. Pharynx paralyzed, swallowing almost impossible; better hot drinks, worse solids.
Stomach.--Nausea incessant and deathly, faintness, constant retching. Vomiting of green fluid. Nausea and vomiting on rising up.
Abdomen.--Distended. Acute pain in abdomen and along spinal column. Tympanitis.
Rectum.--Diarrhœa watery, brown, or black with horrible tenesmus. Constipation; stools large, dry knotty, with tendency to bruise and fissure.
Urinary.--Paresis of bladder. Strangury. Slow and difficult urination. Retention of prostatic hypertrophy. Uræmia, acute and chronic.
Male.--Impotency. Pain in right spermatic cord, (Oxal ac).
Heart.--Alternation of tachycardia and bradycardia. Cardiac muscular tissue is intact, even if severely exhausted. Pulse small, weak, dicrotic.
Respiratory.--Faint and struggling for breath diaphragmatic paralysis; hiccough; dyspnœa, paroxysmal, on first falling asleep (Lach; Grindel). Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Chest tight. Pain in middle of sternum. Dry, hard, teasing, exhausting cough, worse at night. Strangling cough, with viscid mucus sputum; thin, scanty, but sounds loose and abundant.
Back.--Pain along spine. Weakness of loins. Aching across lumbo-sacral region; cannot walk erect (Cimicif).
Extremities.--Staggering gait. Numbness.
Skin.--Livid; purple spots; zoster-like herpes. Itching. Skin lost its elasticity. Urticaria appearing at climaxis.
Nervous.--Restlessness and hyperethesia; trembling, twitching, jerking, convulsions. Extremely susceptible to pain. Pain causes twitching and jerking of limbs. Violent and sudden neuralgic pains and sudden fainting. Delirium, melancholic in character. Neuralgias intensely painful, left supraorbital; right intercostal, better from heat; multiple neuritis. Sore feeling all over. Bed feels too hard. Aggravation after sleep (Lach). Neuralgia after zoster (Mezer).
Sleep.--Yawning, drowsy; prolonged, deep sleep, Sleepless; restless sleep, with frequent startings. Sleepy, but cannot sleep.
Fever.--Chills. Icy coldness. Burning heat; profuse sweat.
Dose.--Third to sixth trituration.
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