

A remedy for hysteria and nervous paroxysms, fainting fits and convulsions, catalepsy, etc. The characteristic condition being aggravation by cold; there is great sensitiveness to air. Much nervous trembling and frequent fainting. Great flatulence. Diseases do not follow a normal course. Coldness. Tension in muscles, skin and mind.

Mind.--Uncontrollable laughter. Scolding. Anxiety with palpitation; starting as if frightened. Sexual hypochondriasis.

Head.--Compressive pain over root of nose. Pressure on top of head. Vertigo on least motion; sensation as if falling from a great height. Scalp sensitive. Sounds in ears as from the report of a cannon.

Stomach.--Desire for black coffee, stimulants. Aversion to food. Everything tastes flat. With stomach symptoms, anxiety in chest. Distended. Faints when eating. Abdomen greatly distended. Spasmodic, nervous hiccough (Hydrocy ac; Sulph ac; Ignat; Cajap).

Male.--Violent desire; involuntary emissions. Impotence, associated with diabetes (Coca). Premature senility. Nausea and vomiting after coition.

Female.--Menses too early, too profuse, with disposition to faint (Nux m; Veratr). Sexual desire, with intolerable titillation in parts. Drawing and pushing in the direction of the genitals; sensation as if menses appear.

Urine.--Profuse urination. Diabetes.

Respiratory.--Tightness of chest, is obliged to take a deeper breath. Sudden constriction of larynx and trachea. Difficult respiration; chest oppressed; hysterical spasm of chest; asthma. Spasm of glottis. Impending paralysis of lungs. Asthma, with intense anxiety, fear, and smothering sensation. Cough ceases, mucus cannot be expectorated. Globus hystericus.

Heart.--Hysterical palpitation. Trembling around heart. Weak pulse and fainting.

Modalities.--Better, in open air, rubbing. Worse, cold. The open air is felt very, very cold.

Relationship.--Compare: Nux mosch; Asaf; Valer; Sumbul; Ign; Castor.

Compatible: Ambra.

Antidotes: Camph; Coff.

Dose.--First to third potency.

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