Mind.--Irritable and peevish; fretful Loud moaning. Great restlessness. Sad, taciturn; suffers in silence.
Head.--Vertigo; worse lying on right side; occiput heavy as if filled with lead. Sound of voice is intolerable. Pain as if brain were crushed.
Nose.--Hæmorrhage; much sneezing.
Face.--Lower jaw fallen; pimples and freckles; lips raw, dry, cracked.
Mouth.--Tongue, pale, swollen, dry, leathery, paralyzed. Deep ulcers on tongue. Hard lumps in tongue. Epithelioma; edges bluish-red (Carbol ac). Aphthous mouth. Gums and glands swollen. Fetid Breath. Sordes on teeth.
Throat.--Uvula swollen. Ulcers and false membrane. Œdematous, dark, raw. Attempted swallowing produces spasm and choking.
Stomach.--Cannot bear sight or thought of meat. At times, ravenous appetite and constant desire to drink. Achlorhydria and fermentation of food.
Rectum.--Tendency to involuntary evacuations while urinating. Hæmorrhoids most sensitive to all touch; even sheet of toilet paper is painful. Anal itching and prolapsus ani while urinating. Hæmorrhoids during pregnancy; bluish, hot with violent stitches.
Heart.--Pulse rapid, feeble, and small. Intermits every third beat.
Urine.--Cannot urinate without having bowels move at same time.
Female.--Menses appear too soon. Leucorrhœa. During menses, soreness of anus. Ulcer in genitals.
Extremities.--Heavy, painful, and weak. Tottering gait. Pain in tendo-Achilles.
Skin.--Papular and vesicular eruptions, with great itching (Rhus). Carbuncles; foul-smelling ulcers on lower extremities. Scarlet fever, livid, with petechiæ; scanty eruption. Eczema on back of hands.
Fever.--Cold extremities. Heat without thirst. Typhoid types, stupid. Hæmorrhages. Restlessness. Involuntary discharges. Bed-sores. Pulse rapid and feeble. Excessive prostration.
Modalities.--Worse, in damp weather, before midnight. Better, lying on left side.
Relationship.--Compare: Phos ac; Ars; Bapt. Follows well after Bry and Rhus.
Antidote; Bryonia.
Dose.--First to third potency.
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