(The most commonly-used abbreviation is followed by its traditional and chemical names.)
1. KALI PHOS (Kali Phosphoricum; Potassium Phosphate)
a. mental/emotional symptoms predominate
b. Feel as if "I'm too tired to rest."
c. Anxiety, brain fatigue, irritability
c. temper-tantrums, sleeplessness, dizziness,
nervous asthma
d. easily bleeding gums
2. KALI MUR (Kali Muriaticum; Potassium Chloride)
a. white mucus, swollen glands
b. white or gray coated tongue, glandular swellings
a. white mucus, swollen glands
c. discharge of white, thick mucus from nose or eyes
d. indigestion from rich food
3. KALI SULPH (Kali Sulphuricum; Potassium Sulphate)
a. yellow mucus, later stages of illness, congestion and cough worse in evening
b. dandruff, yellow coated tongue, yellow crusts on eyelids
c. gas, poor digestion
4. CALC PHOS (Calcarea Phosphorica; Calcium Phosphate)
a. teething remedy
b. upset stomach, post-nasal drip, chronic cold feet, poor dentition
5. CALC SULPH (Calcarea Sulphurica; Calcium Sulphate)
a. sores that heal poorly, herpes blisters
b. pain in forehead, vertigo, pimples on the face
6. CALC FLUOR (Calcarea Fluorica; Calcium Fluoride)
a. poor tooth enamel, cracks in palms of hands, lips
b. hemorrhoids
7. NAT MUR (Natrum Muriate; Sodium Chloride)
a. dryness of body openings, clear thin mucus
b. effects of excess overheating; itching of hair at nape of neck
c. early stage of common colds with clear, running discharge
d. insect bites (applied locally)
8. NAT SULPH (Natrum Sulphuricum; Sodium Sulphate)
a. rarely needed
b. green stools and other excess bile symptoms
c. Sensitive scalp, greenish-gray or greenish-brown coating on tongue, influenza
9. NAT PHOS (Natrum Phosphoricum; Sodium Phosphate)
a. simple morning sickness; acid rising in throat
b. Headache on crown of head, eyelids glued together in morning,
c. grinding of teeth in sleep; pain and sour risings from stomach after eating
10. MAG PHOS (Magnesia Phosphorica; Magnesium Phosphate)
a. Muscle spasms, cramps and menstrual cramps, if always better with heat
b. hiccups; trembling of hands
c. teeth sensitive to cold
11. FERRUM PHOS ( Ferrum Phosphate; Ferrum Phosphate)
a. first stages of inflammation, redness, swelling, early fever
b. congestive headache, earache, sore throat
c. loss of voice from overuse
12. SILICEA (Silica)
a. white pus forming conditions, boils ("homeopathic lancet"), stony-hard glands
b. Sty in eye area, tonsillitis, brittle nails
Although I think that J. B. Chapman's DR. SCHUESSLER'S BIOCHEMISTRY (London: New Era, 1973) is the easiest and best book on the subject, The Biochemic Handbook (St. Louis: Formur) is another readily available paperback guide to specific uses of the Schuessler cell salts. Either this book or Dr. Chapman's will serve you well. Homeopathic pharmacies, suppliers and websites may carry them, along with other standard works on homeopathy.
Twelve cell salts were recognized and categorized by a German biochemist William H. Schuessler in 1873. He found that there are certain essential minerals that the body requires, in proper balance, in all of its cells. An imbalance or a lack of any of these minerals may lead to disease in the tissues so lacking. Providing the missing minerals to the tissues corrects that imbalance, and so eliminates the illness. This seemingly simple system of cure has great practical application in health. Using only a small number of harmless combinations (or "salts") of these minerals, it is possible for any individual to treat him- or herself simply and effectively for a great variety of everyday minor ailments. It is significant that such cell-salt treatment is replenishing something the body lacks and wants, as opposed to merely suppressing illness with drugs and other chemicals. Drugs do not provide missing cell nutrients, but drugs do add harmful chemicals to the body which ultimately compound the problem. The Schuessler cell salts may be seen as special raw materials for the body, which you need more of if you run out of what you normally have.
Salt is any type of readily dissolvable mineral combination, not just table salt. Many people take dietary iron supplements, but few would chew on a rusty nail for an iron source. The same is true with the Schuessler minerals: the potassium, silicon, iron, phosphate or other substance must be in a special potentiation to be most useable to the body. Most Schuessler cell salts are in a homeopathic potency, which uses minute quantities of a substance with great effect. The potentiation process multiplies the essential energy of a substance while at the same time decreasing the dosage amount. The subtlety, harmlessness and effectiveness of such preparations has been clinically proven for well over two hundred years, since the beginnings of homeopathic treatment in the 18th century.
Schuessler cell salts (also called "biochemic cell salts") are a non-prescription item and are available directly from any homeopathic pharmacy. Because of the medical profession's long-standing opposition to homeopathic remedies, it is not certain that your local drug store will even know what "cell salts" are, let alone stock them. Most health food stores do carry them. Schuessler remedies are commonly in a "6X" homeopathic potency. The "X" refers to the Roman numeral 10; 6x is one part in ten, repeated six times. The cost of the mineral tablets is very moderate, usually $5 to $8 per bottle of 250 or more. Addresses of homeopathic pharmacists may be obtained by using any an internet search engine.
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