Biochemic tissue salts, or mineral salts, are vital to the health and function of our organs, tissues and cells. Our bodies produce these salts and they are also found in minute quantities in the food we eat. However, with our foods being bombarded with pollution and too many pesticides and fertilisers, our intake of these essential minerals is going down rapidly.
It was Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler who discovered in the late nineteenth century how important these tissue salts were. During his study of homeopathy, he concluded that we all need twelve basic mineral salts for optimum maintenance and performance. I want to tell you about the symptoms that show up when you are deficient in biochemic tissue salts and how they can help you achieve maximum health and balance.
The Twelve Biochemic Tissue Salts
CALCIUM FLUORIDE: Essential for strong teeth and bones. Also responsible for healthy elasticity of skin and fibres.Signs of Deficiency: Constipation, dry flaky skin, red/brown marking in the corners of the eyes, stretch marks.
CALCIUM PHOSPHATE: Major cell restorer mineral, aids quick recovery, essential for growth in children because of its importance to young developing tissues.
Signs of Deficiency: Poor appetite and digestion, pale and gaunt appearance, palpitations, sadness and poor healing and recuperation. Any kind of bone disease, also numbness in any of the limbs.
CALCIUM SULPHATE: Superb blood purifier. This mineral purifies the entire body and removes waste products from the blood.
Signs of Deficiency: Skin problems, abscesses and ulcers. Also excess catarrh and mucus and neuralgia.
FERRUM PHOSPHATE: Excellent carrier of oxygen to every cell throughout the body. Also a natural anti-inflammatory and top immune-system support. Take at the first sign of a cold. Also, together with Kali Phosphate, it is very good for feverish conditions.
Signs of Deficiency: Heavy menstruation, tiredness and shortness of breath, dark smudges under the eyes, any anaemic deficiencies, and haemorrhoids.
KALI MURIATICUM: Blood detoxifier and conditioner, crucial for blood clotting. Excellent for all excess catarrh and mucous conditions, particularly those in the ears.
Signs of Deficiency: Pale, white face, nausea (good for morning sickness), blisters or swellings of glands.
KALI PHOSPHATE: It is a part of of the bodily tissues and fluids, especially of the nervous system, muscles and the brain. This biochemic tissue salt keeps nerves healthy and nourished and is required for the oxidation process.
Signs of Deficiency: Signs would include feeling mentally and physically exhausted, sleep-deprived, anxious and stressed. Any illness relating to the nervous system.
KALI SULPHATE: An important oxygen carrier and kidney booster. Responsible in part for good skin health, being found in the intercellular epithelium, muscles and nerves.
Signs of Deficiency: Yellow coated tongue, dandruff with yellow flakes, and oily, greasy skin. Also any yellow or brownish secretions.
MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE: This biochemic tissue salt is found mostly in the white nerve fibres of muscles and nerves. It is also a natural anti-spasmodic.
Signs of Deficiency: Nervousness, hot flushes, neuralgia or migraines, muscle cramps.
NATRUM MURIATICUM: Also known as Sodium Chloride. Crucial for the balance of water throughout the body. Aids the digestive process.
Signs of Deficiency: Any dry, itchy skin, puffy eyes, bloated face or swelling in any part of the body. Digestive problems.
NATRUM PHOSPHATE: Regulator of acid within the body. It is also responsible for getting rid of excess water within the system. It is found within brain cells, muscles and nerves.
Signs of Deficiency: Indigestion and heartbearn, any ailment with a hot or burning sensation. Rheumatic conditions and foul odours.
NATRUM SULPHATE: Very important for healthy functioning of the pancreas and leaver. It also cleans and purifies. Maintains correct water amount in all tissues.
Signs of Deficiency: All rheumatic and liver ailments, nausea, allergies, yellow whites of eyes, fuzzy tongue.
SILICA: The main constituent of hair, skin, nails, bone and blood. A major element of the mucous membranes and connective tissue.
Signs of Deficiency: Abscesses, boils, dry and brittle hair. Irritation and frayed nerves, excessive anger. Sensitive to light.
How to take Tissue Salts
Biochemic tissue salts are widely available, usually in good health food shops or larger pharmacies.The twelve tissue salts are available in homeopathic tablets which dissolve on the tongue. They are available individually as described above, or in handy combination for particular ailments, such as hay fever, insomnia, digestive problems etc. As with all homeopathic remedies it is advisable not to eat or drink for twenty minutes either side of taking the remedy.
They are completely harmless, as they are a non-organic substance which is naturally produced in our bodies in an ongoing basis. There are no known side- effects and an overdose can’t occur as biochemic tissue salts are only replacing what the body is lacking; any excess is naturally excreted.
Please note: This web page is for information purposes only and is not medical advice. Always check with a qualified physician before commencing any treatment, homeopathic or otherwise.
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